Investments and placements
Do you want to optimise your assets and diversify your investment portfolio? Discover the different types of financial investments available on the market presented with their respective characteristics, advantages and risks.
Whether you are a novice or an experienced investor, your private banker will help you select the investments best suited to your needs.

A selection of open architecture funds
Innovative investment vehicles
Our investment vehicles
Our investment vehicles Private equity: investing in the real economy
What is private equity?
Private equity is direct or indirect investment in companies not listed on the stock exchangeExchange platform for crypto assets (Binance, Kraken…).
Why invest in private equity?
- Support for the economy : helps meet the financing needs of unlisted companies. It makes it possible to support these companies at their various stages of development;
- Performance* : in theory, offers high rates of return while being less exposed to stock market volatilityPrice variation of an asset on a given period.;
- Expertise : allows you to benefit from the know-how of professionals and an alignment of interests (carried interest) when the investment is made through investment funds.
For which risk profile?
Intended for more experiences profiles, investing in private equity is inherently risky and illiquid. It requires a long-term investment horizon.
The Delubac advantage
Our experts rigorously select management companies and their investment funds. We have developed particular expertise in the selection of solutions eligible for reinvestment (150-0 bter).
Thanks to Article 150-0 b ter of the French General Tax Code, the contribution-transfer regime allows you to optimise your taxation when reselling your business. Indeed, it makes it possible to benefit from a deferral of capital gains on sale by contributing its company securities to a holding company. This holding company will in turn sell these securities to a buyer.
Our eligible solutions for the reuse of your transfer:
- Real estate : Hospitality, co-living, logistics, urban recycling.
- Capital investment : Tech start-ups, impact and health companies.
- Tangible assets : Woods and forests, wine.
Structured products: take advantage of attractive return potential in a secure framework
What is a structured product?
A structured product is a financial instrument combining several products. Its objective is to offer a potential return determined in advance as well as capital protection mechanisms under certain conditions.
Why invest in a structured product?
- Tailor-made solution : select the characteristics of your financial product such as maturity, index, performance objective, capital guarantee, etc.
- scenario known in advance : from the subscription, know the different scenarios of your investment (favourable, median, unfavourable)
- Diversification :provides an alternative to direct investment on listed markets, particularly in a context of high volatility.
For which risk profile?
Structured products are aimed at an informed clientele, capable of understanding complex financial mechanisms.
Physical securities: investing directly in a financial security
What is a physical security?
A physical security is a listed share or bond held directly, unlike funds/UCIs, which gives access to a diversified portfolio of securities.
Why invest in physical securities?
- Conviction : invest directly in stocks and companies you believe in
- Power of selection : be free in the selection of your securities, unlike UCIs
- Reduced fee structure : benefit from an investment without management feesFees related to operations; they sometimes are distributed to miners.. You only pay brokerage and custody fees.
For which risk profile?
Physical securities are reserved for well-informed investors with knowledge and experience of the financial markets.
The Delubac advantage
Within the framework of free management, we manage your reception and transmission of orders (RTO).
Physical securities are not without risk and you should be aware of market volatility before investing. We advise you to diversify your portfolio and to be well informed before making an investment decision.
UCIs: diversify your investments in funds managed by professionals
What is a UCI?
A UCI (undertaking for collective investment) is a financial company which invests in the various markets on behalf of savers. UCIs are known as “funds”.
Why invest in UCIs?
- Diversification : unlike physical securities, UCIs invest in several securities, geographical areas and sectors of activity.
- Professional management : a UCI is set up and managed by professionals who act according to a defined management policy and risk profile
For which risk profile ?
There are different types of UCIs, each with its own objectives and characteristics. UCIs are aimed at an informed clientele, capable of understanding complex financial mechanisms.
The Delubac advantage
Your private banker advises you on choosing the best-performing UCIs in their category. Our open architecture allows us to offer you the best suited to your needs.
Stone Paper: investing in a portfolio of diversified real estate assets
What is Stone Paper?
Stone Paper is a financial investment in the form of units allowing you to invest in real estate without the constraint of real estate management such as rental management and works.
A management company acquires real estate and manages it for the benefit of unitholders.Why invest in Stone Paper?
- Diversification : access assets made up of several properties or real estate rights, the uses of which can be residential or professional.
- Additional income : benefit in principle from additional income from a real estate source while being relieved of the management of a real estate portfolio.
- Performance : take advantage of two performance vectors: the rental yield and the prospect of capital gain on exit.
For which risk profile?
This type of investment presents different levels of risk :
- Capital loss = in the event of a bearish real estate market
- Unsecured income = in case tenants default
- Liquidity risk = related to the time needed to find a buying counterparty.
The Delubac advantageA single digital subscription regardless of the number of SCPIs invested.
Access to almost all the solutions on the market allowing us to select the SCPIs that meet your expectations.
Our investment envelopes
Life insurance
Life insurance, long-term savings
The life insurance contract under French or Luxembourg law meets the objective of building up and increasing assets.
The financial management of capital is carried out within a capitalising envelope. Life insurance also meets an objective of transmitting assets and protecting loved ones in the event of death.
The benefits of a life insurance contract
- Diversification : funds in euros and in units of account to build a portfolio that matches your expectations
- Taxation : tax advantage for withdrawals on your contracts of more than 8 years.
- Inheritance : a transmission tool treated outside of inheritance with more flexible sharing rules and more attractive taxation.
- Capitalisation envelope : in the absence of partial or total redemption, the gains made are not subject to taxation (except in special cases).
The capitalisation contract
This envelope has many similarities with life insurance, in particular regarding the taxation of withdrawals and the investment universe. The main difference is in the transmission. Indeed, the capital of capitalisation contracts enters the estate and is not automatically settled. Your heirs can therefore continue to benefit from your investments and the tax precedence of the contracts.
They are also eligible for legal persons under certain conditions.
The securities account
It allows you to invest on the stock market in all asset classes with no ceiling or minimum holding period. The securities account can therefore accommodate direct securities (stocks, bonds), and other media listed in our product catalogue. The purpose of this account is to diversify your wealth across all asset classes. Capital gains are subject to a one-off or optional flat-rate deduction, to the progressive scale of income tax, taking into account an allowance depending on the duration of the holding of the securities.
The PEA (Plan d’Epargne en Actions) and the PEA PME-ETI (Plan d’Epargne en Actions dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises et dans les Entreprises de Tailles Intermédiaires)are tax envelopes that allow investment in company shares, directly or via UCITS, geographically located in France and in the European Union.
These envelopes benefit from certain tax advantages. In the event of redemption of the plan before 5 years, the gains are taxed at the flat tax of 30% (17.2% of social contributions + 12.08% of income tax).
If redeemed after 5 years, gains are exempt from tax. However, they remain subject to social security contributions.
The French 2019 Pacte Act introduced important changes. In particular, it is possible to make additional payments after a partial withdrawal from 5 years, within the limits of the ceilings in force (€225,000 payment per taxpayer).
* Financial investments can allow you to benefit from the potential performance of the financial markets in return for taking some risks, including capital loss. Before any investment, you should be aware of the risks associated with the product. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The information provided on our site is not intended to list exhaustively all the risks that the client may face when benefiting from an investment service provided by Banque Delubac & Cie.
Private banking expertise
* Subject to the acceptance of your credit file by Banque Delubac & Cie. A credit commits you and must be repaid. Check your repayment capacity before you commit.